Tag Archives: sexual harassment

Facebook Again – This Time It’s Cleveland

A Facebook post that prompted over 60,000 responses including comments from Hillary Clinton and other elected officials, prompted a post from Cleveland firefighter that is now the center of an investigation. On July 3, Humans of New York posted a photo of a weeping child saying, “I’m homosexual and I’m afraid about what my future will be and that people won’t like me.”

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Fire Departments in NJ and Maryland Settle Suits

Settlements involving two fire departments are in the fire law news today. In New Jersey, a sexual harassment suit against the Franklin Township Fire District No. 3 has been settled. In Maryland, a wrongful death suit brought by the family of a 17-year old who died at a fire department sponsored carnival has been settled.

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Shot Clock Reset on Toledo Sexual Harassment Suit

A well known sexual harassment suit involving the Toledo Fire Department filed in 2005 is back in the news because it has been dismissed… and refiled. The suit was filed by three Toledo firefighters who claim they were subjected to gender discrimination, a hostile work environment, and retaliation

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Facebook Poll Prompts Sexual Harassment Investigation in Queensland

Firefighters in Queensland, Australia are under investigation for creating a Facebook “poll” to rate which of their female colleagues would be best in bed. According to The Courier-Mail, several female firefighters who were targets of the poll have been transferred and an outside investigation is now underway.

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RI Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Gay Pride Parade Suit

The Rhode Island Supreme Court heard the appeal of the City of Providence today in the decade long lawsuit arising out of the 2001 Gay Pride Parade. Two Providence firefighters ordered to participate in the parade filed suit claiming a violation of their First Amendment Rights and that during the course of the parade they were sexually harassed.

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Chicago Prevails in Sexual Harassment Suit

The sexual harassment lawsuit against the City of Chicago highlighted last week in a blog post has been dismissed. On Monday, US District Court Judge George M. Marovich dismissed the complaint brought by a former payroll auditor, Deidre Green, who claimed that former Fire Commissioner John Brooks pursued her sexually and then targeted her for a layoff

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Fired Missouri Chief Gains Reprieve

A Missouri deputy chief who was fired in 2011 and sued unsuccessfully for wrongful termination to get his job back, has been rehired by the same department as assistant fire chief. Deputy Chief Cary Spiegel was one of four chief ...

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Male on Male Sexual Harassment Suit in New York

A rather strange case of harassment directed at both a father and a son has prompted a lawsuit in Westchester County. Matthew Bruno, a probationary firefighter with the Greenville Fire District who was terminated last September after complaining about being ...

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Two Kentucky Firefighters Allege Harassment

Two Kentucky firefighters have filed suit in state court alleging they have been sexually harassed, threatened and abused by a deputy chief.  They are suing the department and the chief who they claim is responsible. George Givens and Michael Killebrew ...

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Victim of Infamous Los Alamos Bathroom Cam Files Suit

The female firefighter who was the target of an infamous bathroom cam stunt back in 2010 has filed suit against the Los Alamos County Fire Department and the firefighters who allegedly perpetrated the “extreme sexual exploitation”. Jessie Noah was the ...

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Idaho Firefighter Seeks $1 Million for Harassment

An Idaho firefighter has filed a claim for $1 million against her department alleging that the department’s failure to stop a captain (ex-boyfriend) from harassing her constitutes her own constructive termination. Katie Loper filed a 13 page claim with the ...

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