Tag Archives: Los Angeles City Fire Department

Arson Investigators Sue LA City Alleging Race Discrimination

Six Los Angeles City firefighters assigned to the arson division have filed suit alleging race discrimination. Leslie Wilkerson, Joseph Smith, Justin Davis, Robert McClud, Sean Morris, and Mario Newte filed suit in Los Angeles County Superior Court accusing the department’s leadership of fostering a “good old white boys club.”

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Criminal Investigation Opened Into LAFD Explosion

Detectives from the Major Crimes Division of the Los Angeles Police Department have launched a criminal investigation into the cause of a fire and explosion Saturday that injured twelve firefighters, two critically. The fire occurred at a hash oil manufacturing site in downtown Los Angeles.

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LA Settles with Former Fire Marshal For $800k

The City of Los Angeles has agreed to settle a lawsuit filed in 2017 by former Fire Marshal John Vidovich for $800,000. The suit alleged a conspiracy between the mayor and the firefighter’s union led to Chief Vidovich’s ouster.

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Jury Awards LA Firefighter $2.75 Million For Retaliation

A veteran LA City firefighter who claims he was ostracized after complaining about the way the city’s dive team was being run, has been awarded $2.75 million for retaliation by a superior court jury. Stephen Meiche claims that after he reported that dive team members had improperly destroyed and discarded property bought with federal UASI funds, he was “ostracized".

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LA Firefighter Sues for Race Discrimination

A veteran Los Angeles City firefighter has filed suit against the city and up to 100 unnamed firefighters claiming he was harassed and discriminated against because he is African American, and then retaliated against once he complained. Firefighter-Paramedic Emanuel Brown filed the suit Monday in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

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LAFD Sued Over Stretcher Mishap

A woman who claims she lost her unborn child while being transported on a stretcher by a Los Angeles City Fire Department ambulance crew has filed suit against the LAFD, the involved personnel and the property owner where the incident took place.

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LAFD Facing Yet Another Discrimination Lawsuit

The Los Angeles City Fire Department is again facing another employment discrimination lawsuit, this time by a group of fire prevention inspectors who claim they have been harassed and discriminated against. The suit was filed yesterday in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

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LA Sues Recycling Center for Fire Costs

The City of Los Angeles has filed suit against Clean Up America over the costs of battling a trash fire that took six weeks to fully extinguish. The company operates a recycling center that had a trash pile 25 feet high, 252 feet long and 250 feet wide, with an estimated 22 million pounds of trash.

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LAX Shooting Case Removed to Federal Court

The wrongful death lawsuit against the Los Angeles Fire Department and five other defendants arising out of the shooting of a Transportation Security Administration agent at Los Angeles International Airport in 2013 has been removed to federal court.

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$1 Million Whistleblower Verdict Against LAFD Upheld

The California Court of Appeals has upheld a $1 million jury verdict against the City of Los Angeles in a suit brought by two city fire officers. Battalion Chief John Miller and Captain Michael Rueda sued in 2009 after they were removed from the department's Arson Counter-Terrorism Section...

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