Tag Archives: firefighter

New Haven…. AGAIN!!!!!

I know a lawyer should never complain about too many law suits, but at some point you have to ask when is enough going to be enough. Another group of New Haven firefighters have filed suit over the 2003 promotional ...

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British Firefighter Charged with Manslaughter

Perhaps it is appropriate to mention this case over the 4th of July holiday, and then again perhaps it is in bad taste. Nevertheless, on July 2, 2010 a British firefighter was charged with manslaughter for the death of a ...

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Police Fire Wars Continue

There has been another skirmish in the Police-Fire Wars, the battle over who is in charge at emergency scenes. This time the skirmish occurred in a most unlikely place: California, the birth place of ICS, the system that was supposed ...

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The Mess in La Marque

Law school professors are notorious for coming up with strange fact patterns to use on final exams. However, I find that real life in the fire service can top even the best hypothetic questions a law school professor can dream up. ...

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The Hammer Drops in FDNY Case

Ok, so maybe it was not a hammer that dropped, it was a gavel, but the metaphor is clearly there: something big happened in the Big Apple on January 21, 2010. Just one week after Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis determined ...

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Electronic Monitoring Case: Connecticut

A very interesting case was decided on January 5, 2010 involving the Bridgeport, Connecticut Fire Department. In May of 2007, the city acquired new vehicles for city fire inspectors, and installed GPS devices in order to electronically monitor the movement ...

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