Tag Archives: ethnicity discrimination

Fire Law Headlines: New York and Miami-Dade Follow-Up

There are two cases in the Fire Law headlines today, both being follow-ups of cases we covered previously. In New York, the Supreme Court for Oswego County has ruled that individual taxpayers lack standing to challenge a tax increase imposed by a fire district.

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Fire Law Roundup for December 18, 2023

In this episode of Fire Law Roundup for December 18, 2023, Brad and Curt discuss a dispute between volunteer fire companies in New Jersey; a decision by the California Court of Appeals ruling that a critically injured San Francisco firefighter ...

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NY Firefighter Sues City and Union for Discrimination

A Peekskill, New York firefighter of Middle-Eastern ancestry has filed suit against the city, the firefighters’ union, and the fire chief alleging race and ethnicity discrimination. Robert Pappas claims he was passed over three times for promotion to lieutenant, and when he complained he was retaliated against by being denied injured-on-duty status for a work-related injury.

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FDNY Prevails in Discrimination Suit

A discrimination lawsuit filed by an FDNY probationary firefighter whose minor injuries caused him to be removed from two academies, has been dismissed. Xavier Lopez claims he was discriminated against on account of his Hispanic heritage.

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Latino Firefighter Sues FDNY Alleging Discrimination

A Latino firefighter with FDNY has filed suit alleging discrimination and retaliation on the basis of race, national origin, disability, and military service. Joseph Mendoza filed suit last week in US District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

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Connecticut Dispatcher Sues Claiming Discrimination

A fire dispatcher in Connecticut who was terminated last year has filed suit in federal court alleging she was the victim of race, ethnicity, gender and age discrimination. Nancy Mayeda-Brescia filed suit yesterday against the Cromwell Fire District.

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Alaska Firefighter Awarded $780k Over Promotion

An Alaska firefighter has been awarded $778,951.69 following a jury trial that began last summer. Jeff Graham sued the City of Anchorage in Third Judicial District Court back in 2015 claiming he had been discriminated against on account of his ...

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NY Firefighter Loses Middle Eastern Ethnicity Discrimination Suit

An Ithaca firefighter who claims he was discriminated against and wrongfully terminated because he is of Middle Eastern decent, has lost his federal court lawsuit. Mark Hassan was terminated by the Ithaca Fire Department in 2011. US District Court Judge Michael A. Telesca had an entirely different take citing numerous examples of Hassan’s difficult personality.

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Korean Paramedic Accuses San Diego of Discrimination

A firefighter of Korean decent has filed suit against the San Diego Fire Department claiming the department’s refusal to reinstate him as a paramedic constitutes ethnicity discrimination. Steve Choi filed suit last month in San Diego County Superior Court alleging ...

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