RI Fire Chief Indicted for Sexual Assault

The former chief of the Chopmist Hill Fire Department has been indicted by a Providence County Grand Jury on eight counts of sexual assault and sexual misconduct.

The indictment charges Timothy Homerston, 52, with four counts of second-degree sexual assault, three counts of simple assault, and one count of indecent exposure. According to the indictment, Homerston sexually assaulted three adult men between February 2015 and February 2016.

Homerston resigned last March after the fire company took a vote of no confidence in his leadership. At that time he was accused of having sex on fire department property and sexual harassing several male members.


About Curt Varone

Curt Varone has over 45 years of fire service experience and 35 as a practicing attorney licensed in both Rhode Island and Maine. His background includes 29 years as a career firefighter in Providence (retiring as a Deputy Assistant Chief), as well as volunteer and paid on call experience. He is the author of two books: Legal Considerations for Fire and Emergency Services, (2006, 2nd ed. 2011, 3rd ed. 2014, 4th ed. 2022) and Fire Officer's Legal Handbook (2007), and is a contributing editor for Firehouse Magazine writing the Fire Law column.

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